Fall School Calendar
October 7th-25th, 2024
We LOVE fall at our house! You too? If you and your kids love fall, nature, science experiments, art projects, and more…I know that you will love this upcoming theme! You can check out the theme for each day and get prepared by printing the calendar below!
IMPORTANT: If your family doesn’t celebrate Halloween, there is a calendar option that does NOT have the Halloween banner on it. There are also NO Halloween activities in the Fall School theme itself.
How Do I Join?
#1. Drop Your Email Below
I’ll send over the Fall School Calendar for you to download and print!
#2. Make Sure to Join Our FB Group
This is where I’ll drop my blog post link for each day. Those blog posts will contain links to printable activities (some free), videos, snack ideas, and more to make the day fun!
#3. The Fall School Bundle is NOW AVAILABLE!
You can check it out more below or over on my TPT shop!