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Looking for a fun and easy project to celebrate the four seasons? Scroll below to grab this FREE printable which is perfect for many ages and/or grades!

Honestly, you can do a Four Seasons Unit Study any time. However, I love to save this unit for the fall! It’s just my personal preference 🙂
Students can print this template out on cardstock and use paintbrushes. Little ones could use Q-tips instead (as pictured).
Another idea would be to laminate this printable and let them use playdoh or other manipulatives to create the leaves and flowers. Can you tell I use my laminator a LOT?
If you would like this free printable, keep scrolling to the bottom of this page and find the “download now” button!
Four Seasons Tree Template

Oh, the four seasons. Here in Michigan, we are lucky to really experience all four of them! Although I wouldn’t mind if we had a little less of some seasons and more of others (aka I’m a fan of sunshine and warmth!).
To really learn about each season, it’s helpful to also celebrate each season as they come and while you are in the midst of them. For me, summer is the only difficult one to sit down and actually do a fun unit study about, but for the other three seasons, it feels like a break from school to take time to celebrate them and decorate!
Around the beginning of the school year, I like to do a quick overview with a Four Seasons Unit Study – especially when I have a child in preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten.
Yet, I will say that even though some of my kids are older, I’ve found that they still enjoy doing some of these projects with their youngest sibling 🙂

Materials Needed:
- Cardstock (or heavy printer paper)
- Your favorite paint (When it comes to the colors, I suggest pink, yellow, orange, red, blue and several shades of green)
- Paintbrushes or Q-tips
- Cup of water, if using paintbrushes
- Paper towel to have on hand nearby

This art project is pretty simple! Just download, print, and start painting 🙂
When I had our homeschool preschool co-op class do this, we first watched a short clip about the four seasons from Pete the Cat. We also read the book, “Four Seasons of Fun” by Pamela Duncan Edwards. That book tied in perfectly with this art project!

I hope this printable is a fun one for you and your students as you celebrate the beauty of the seasons! Make sure to pop in your email address below to grab it – just look for the free download button 🙂